Interview #3: When Giants Meet (Meeting WGMeets in Person)
Discover who is the digital artist behind WGMeets on Editional App and his fascinating creative process. Be ready to be amazed!
It’s always a great pleasure to discover the story behind a username and furthermore behind a great artist. It feels like having a new friend, whom you can follow via their amazing creations.
It was the case with WGMeets, which we discovered meant When Giants Meet, the name of an artist collective he created. People just started calling him that.
This is our third artist interview: WGMeets follows LapinMignon and Yrdgz, whom you met in the previous weeks. Enjoy another encounter with an artist and happy 4th of July to our American friends.
What is your story in real life?
I’m a graphic designer who is currently working in the pharmaceutical printing industry and have also been running When Giants Meet for a little over 10 years now. It used to be a mixed media blog where I would write, interview and cover artists on a variety of topics, which now has turned into a creative collective of a few select artists.
What is your digital artist story?
Since I started designing on a computer (Mac OS 7.6), I’ve always had it in me but at a different capacity. Recently, following a few artists displaying their pieces on crypto art sites and platforms, I’ve been wanting to set time aside to create and see if I feel at home in that space.
Now by using the Editional app quite often, it gives me the liberty of creating and uploading my pieces right away while experimenting with a few styles I feel comfortable with.
How did you hear of Editional?
I’m not too sure exactly how it happened, but I’m always looking at any new NFT platforms that come out. I’m a collecting addict and love art, so I look at anything that mentions “collect” and “art”, haha.
I’m a collecting addict and love art, so I look at anything that mentions “collect” and “art”, haha.
Can you explain the creation process of one of your pieces on Editional?
I’ll talk about one of my recent favorite pieces, Out of the Abyss ( which combines my love of marine life and my new interest in fractals.
Every time I work on fractals, I want to create a world or scene that I’d love to explore or be in. Most of the works I’ve done so far have a water theme. I am very fond of this one due to the whale that materialized while editing the offsets on the piece, which fits perfectly with the formations that were created while working on it. Once I was happy with the formations, I started mixing the colors to create a deep and dark sea bottom look in the center of the piece as the whale swims up towards the surface. Finally the scene was there and colors were just right, I slightly exaggerated the camera angle to give it a more cinematic look and bring more attention towards what was closer to the top and bottom right of the area.
What is your favorite piece in your Editional collection?
One of my favorites from the community is mera’s bride 2. The simple yet complex feel of his experiments is mesmerizing with glowing beautiful colors.
ndlr: This work was actually used later on in a special collaboration with the artist abysms:
What advice would you give to someone who want to start creating digital art?
Just create and set no boundaries or guides for yourself until you feel comfortable with what you’ve produced. Don’t worry about comments, likes or how many did or did not collect your pieces, and do your thing!
Where can we find you?
On all social networks I’m WGMeets, you’ll know it’s me due to the blue head illustrated avatar! Only space I don’t have a profile in is Facebook.